Planning Commission Meeting

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The Planning Commission meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers.

Planning Commission Meeting Packets are uploaded as early as possible prior to the respective meeting.

Application Process & Timeline: After receiving an application, submittal documents are reviewed by City Staff for completeness and, if applicable, sent to outside review agencies for comment. Complete applications will be placed on the next available Planning Commission agenda providing time for any required public notice and for Staff to prepare a report to the Commission. Typically, the Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the City Council after one meeting. Recommendations made by the Planning Commission are generally forwarded to the City Council for consideration at the Council’s next regular meeting. Provided that application materials were submitted in a complete and timely manner, and both Planning Commission and City Council choose not to table the application for further consideration, applications take approximately 5 to 7 weeks from the filing deadline until action by City Council. Applications not requiring a public hearing and/or Council review or action may take a lesser amount of time.

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