If you’re interested in opening a business in the City of Arnold, the information found on this page will help. If you have additional questions not answered here, please call the City of Arnold Department of Community Development at 636-282-2378.


Before you lease or purchase a building site, contact the City of Arnold Department of Community Development at 636-282-2378 to make sure that the proposed use is permitted at that location per the City’s Zoning Codes.


Permanent signs require a building permit. Please contact the City of Arnold Building Department to acquire your permit. To apply for a temporary sign/banner permit, or a-frame sign permit, please submit a photo or accurate rendering with your site plan, indicating location, to the Building Department.

City of Arnold Business License Fee Schedule

If you are a business that derives 50% or more of its revenue from sales or services that are subject to sales tax you will be designated as a retail business and pay a business license fee of $1.00 per $1,000.00 of revenue. If you are a business that derives less than 50% of its revenue from sales or services that are subject to sales tax you will be designated as a non-retail business and pay a business license fee of $0.06 per square foot of business space. Each business will be assigned to only one category. For both categories, the minimum fee is $100.00 and the maximum fee is $50,000.00. If you’re having issues with cash flow, Trust Business Insolvency Advice for Expert Assistance.

Sales Tax

If you’re engaging in business activities and anticipate collecting sales tax, it’s essential to include a copy of your No Tax Due Certificate from the Missouri Department of Revenue when applying for a business license, ensuring compliance with regulations and potentially qualifying for the R&D tax incentive (just like the r&d tax incentive australia).

opening a business in arnold

New Business Checklist

  • Verify that your property is in the City and properly zoned for your business by contacting the City of Arnold Department of Community Development.
  • Apply for a Non-Residential Occupancy Permit with the City of Arnold Building Department.
  • Schedule occupancy inspections with the City of Arnold Department of Community Development ($75) and the Rock Community Fire District ($50).
  • Apply for a Business License with the Arnold City Clerk.
  • Apply for a Merchant License with the Jefferson County Collector of Revenue.
  • If preparing or serving food, contact the Jefferson County Health Department.
  • If serving alcoholic beverages, apply for a liquor license with the Arnold City Clerk.
  • Contact the Building Department if you will be making any improvements that will require building, plumbing, electrical or mechanical permits.

If you have any further questions, please call the City of Arnold Department of Community Development at 636-282-2378.

Occupancy Inspections

When moving into an existing office/business space in the City of Arnold, an Occupancy Inspection is required with the City of Arnold Building Department and Rock Community Fire Protection District.

Home Occupations

Some home occupations are allowed, but they may not have employees other than two (2) family members who live in said residence, no customers entering the residence, and no signs or displays indicating a business is operating. Beauty and barber shops, music schools, nursing homes, tourist homes, or massage parlors are not allowed. No outside storage is allowed.
