The City of Arnold City Clerk is the custodian of all City Hall records and is responsible for the following:

  • Authorizes use of the City of Arnold Corporate Seal
  • Serves as the designated Records Manager for the City
  • Maintains the official record of City Ordinances and Resolutions adopted by the Council
  • Records and transcribes all City Council Meeting Minutes and Agendas
  • Maintains all records concerning Appointments to and Memberships of the City’s Boards, Commissions, and Committees
  • Handles inquiries and researches requests from Citizens and other Municipal Departments
  • Manages City Code updates to code holders, and the City’s online City Code Custodian
  • Manages the publication of Legal Notices
  • Handles all Merchant, Business, Vending, Liquor, and Solicitor licensing
  • Handles Trash & Stormwater and Neighborhood Improvement District billing
  • Handles Utility Tax Rebates for Arnold Senior Citizens and Citizens with Disabilities (April & October only)
Arnold MO City Hall

City of Arnold Office of the City Clerk
2101 Jeffco Blvd., Arnold, MO 63010
8:00 am – 4:45 pm, Mon-Fri

Tammi Casey
City Clerk

Lauren Guese
Deputy City Clerk