The City of Arnold Historic Preservation Commission is charged with preserving historic buildings, gardens, and streetscapes as well as the overall historic character of the community.
Members are appointed by the Mayor and are ratified by the City Council. Seven residents of the City and one Council Liaison serve as the Commission Members with:
- Demonstrated interest in, competence in, or knowledge of historic preservation, either representing a local historical society or as a resident or
- Be comprised of both professionally qualified members and also citizens-at-large
- To the maximum extent practicable, be comprised of members drawn from professionals in architecture, architectural history, history, prehistoric and historic archaeology, planning, urban design, cultural geography, cultural anthropology, folklore, curation, conservation, landscape architecture, or any other related profession
- The City Administrator, the Director of Community Development, the Director of Public Works, and the Director of Finance shall serve as ex officio members without a vote and are only required to attend meetings as directed by the Mayor
Initial member terms will be two members each with a one-year term, two members each with a two-year term, and two members each with a three-year term. Thereafter, members will be appointed for three years each. The term of the Council Liaison member coincides with his/her term in office.